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Friday, August 7, 2015

Graffiti Artwork of Ukrainian Banksy

Graffiti Artwork of Ukrainian Banksy

The Ukrainian city of Simferopol, on the Black sea, recently spotted over 20 Banksy-style graffiti murals. Banksy is the pseudonym of a prolific British graffiti artist, political activist and painter, whose identity is unconfirmed. According to the UK art dealer who vacationed in Simferopol and who sold some of the Banksy’s original art works, the Ukrainian graffiti looks “very, very Banksy.”
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The Simferopol’s graffiti is signed with “Sharik” (Little Ball), and the artist’s identity is unknown. Tourists who flock this popular summer resort city say that they enjoy the paintings and hope that the locals will preserve them.
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Mesmerizing Watercolor Art by Steve Hanks

Mesmerizing Watercolor Art by Steve Hanks

Steve Hanks is recognized as one of the most talented watercolor artists working today. The detail, color and realism of Steve Hanks' paintings are unheard of in this difficult medium. A softly worn patterned quilt, the play of light on the thin veil of surf on sand, or the delicate expression of a child—-Steve Hanks captures these patterns of life better than anyone. 
Hanks calls his style ‘emotional realism’. He often leaves the faces of his figures obscured or turned away, not only to leave the face to the imagination of the viewer but also to allow the entire figure to express the emotion. Backlighting is also a signature element of his style. “Sunlight has become one of my favorite subjects. I’m fascinated by how it filters through things, how it floods a whole room with color. Often my paintings are really more about sunlight than anything else.”
Steve Hanks received the National Watercolor Society Merit Award and the National Academy of Western Art Gold Medal, in addition to consistently appearing in the list of top ten American artists compiled by U.S. Art Magazine. Art for the Parks has honored his work with many awards since 1989.
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Triora - The Town Of Witches

Triora - The Town Of Witches

Triora, in Italy, is a sleepy little ancient hill towns in the valley of Argentine in the region of Liguria, close to the French border. Much of the architecture in Triora dates back to the 12th century, but its period of greatest fame was during the 16th century when a number of witch trials were conducted by the Inquisition. The town boasts an excellent museum of witchcraft, and to this day has a powerful association with witches. Some decedents of the original witches can still be seen in the town to this day.
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Triora's beauty overshadows a gruesome Middle Ages renown. A year of bad weather and crop shortages in 1587 led to the accusation that witches were conspiring against Triora. A group of women from Triora and local villages were accused of sacrificing babies to The Devil. They were tried, tortured, and burned alive between 1587-89. "La Cabotina", the place of their blasphemous rites still exists.
The residents of Triora seems to take a rather morbid pride on the town’s dark history. Apart from a museum, there are witch shops, sign posts, sculptures, witch houses and various relics dotting the entire town. Triora also holds a series of folklore- and horror-themed events and festivals. It has three annual festivals: a summer witchcraft festival, in August; and two autumn celebrations: the mushroom festival in September; and Halloween, at the end of October.
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Witch prison door
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Parking for witches only
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Witch dolls at a shop
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